Noun or Pronoun Agreement

As a copy editor, one of the most fundamental concepts that you need to master is the agreement between nouns and pronouns. This is an essential aspect of proper grammar and can greatly impact the clarity and coherence of your text. In essence, this agreement refers to ensuring that the pronoun used in a sentence matches the noun it is replacing in terms of number, person, and gender.

Number Agreement

The first aspect of noun-pronoun agreement to consider is the number of the noun and the pronoun. Essentially, if the noun is singular, the pronoun that replaces it should also be singular. For instance, “The cat licked its paw” is correct because “cat” is singular, and “its” is also singular. On the other hand, if the noun is plural, the pronoun should also be plural. For example, “The cats licked their paws” is correct because “cats” is plural, and “their” is also plural.

Person Agreement

The second aspect of noun-pronoun agreement is person. The pronoun used should match the person of the noun it is replacing. For example, if the noun is in the first person, such as “I” or “we,” the pronoun that replaces it must also be in the first person. Therefore, if you say, “We are going to the store, and they are coming with us,” you have made an agreement error because “they” is a third-person pronoun.

Gender Agreement

Finally, gender agreement refers to the pronoun`s gender being consistent with that of the noun it replaces. For instance, if the noun is masculine, such as “brother,” the pronoun that replaces it should also be masculine, such as “he” or “him.” On the other hand, if the noun is feminine, such as “sister,” the pronoun that replaces it should also be feminine, such as “she” or “her.” Moreover, if the gender of the noun is unknown or irrelevant, you can use a gender-neutral pronoun, such as “they” or “them.”


In conclusion, maintaining a proper agreement between nouns and pronouns is a crucial aspect of effective writing. By ensuring that the pronoun used in a sentence matches the noun in terms of number, person, and gender, you can improve the clarity and coherence of your writing. Therefore, always double-check your sentences for noun and pronoun agreement as you edit your work.