Limitation of Agreement to Sell

The Limitation of Agreement to Sell: A Comprehensive Guide for Buyers and Sellers

As a buyer or seller, it is important to understand the limitations of an agreement to sell. Whether it is for a real estate property or a business, this agreement serves as a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. However, there are certain limitations that both parties should be aware of before signing this agreement.

What is an agreement to sell?

An agreement to sell is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale. It is a contract between a buyer and seller that specifies the purchase price, payment terms, and the conditions of the sale. The agreement to sell is typically executed before the actual sale takes place.

What are the limitations of an agreement to sell?

1. Ownership of the property or business

One of the main limitations of an agreement to sell is that it does not transfer ownership of the property or business. The agreement only outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. The transfer of ownership happens only after the actual sale takes place, and the necessary legal documents are executed.

2. Risk of loss and damages

In an agreement to sell, the risk of loss and damages is still on the seller. This means that if the property or business is damaged or destroyed before the transfer of ownership, the seller is still responsible for the repair or replacement of the property or business. However, the buyer can ask for a provision in the agreement that limits the seller`s liability in case of loss or damages.

3. Delivery of the property or business

An agreement to sell does not guarantee the delivery of the property or business. The seller may be unable to deliver the property or business due to unforeseen circumstances. In this case, the agreement to sell can be terminated, and the buyer can seek damages from the seller.

4. Payment of taxes and duties

An agreement to sell does not absolve the seller from paying taxes and duties related to the sale. The seller is still responsible for paying the necessary taxes and duties before the transfer of ownership. In addition, the buyer may also have to pay certain taxes and duties, depending on the location and type of property or business being sold.

5. Legal disputes

In case of legal disputes arising from the sale, the agreement to sell may not be enough to resolve the issue. Both parties may need to seek legal advice and go to court to settle the dispute. The agreement to sell can serve as evidence in court, but it does not guarantee a favorable outcome for either party.


In conclusion, an agreement to sell is a vital document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale. However, both buyers and sellers should be aware of its limitations before signing it. It does not transfer ownership, does not absolve the seller from paying taxes and duties, and does not guarantee the delivery of the property or business. It is important to seek legal advice before entering into an agreement to sell to ensure that both parties` interests are protected.